Shower faucets is commonly referred to as shower heads, while the bathtub spout is often referred to as faucets. Very often, the term “shower faucet” is used to describe the combination of knobs, levers, buttons, drain apparatus, shower heads, and tub spouts that are located in the bathtub/shower. In actuality, the shower faucets is, in a tub-and-shower arrangement, the tub spout, and, in a dedicated bath stall, it is the shower heads.
Shower faucets are usually located at the upper end of the bath just over the head of a person of average height. This is, obviously, so that the water from the faucets can inundate the body, using gravity to direct water from the head downward. There are, however, shower faucets that are detachable from the bath fixture, or faucets, and are able to be hand-held to direct the bath water wherever it is desired.
Much is made about the chlorine added as a disinfectant in municipal water supplies. The installation of a bath water purification system to counteract the harmful physical effects of chlorine may be a sound idea. These effective water filters are most easily installed at the shower faucets, and have been proven effective in eliminating chlorine, as well as other toxins, from the water before it is expelled from the faucets.
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